
We're not just about Cardano, but about everything that keeps society as a whole healthy.


A group of friends, with completely different backgrounds but the same vision on life, now striving to become social entrepreneurs and make things better.

[VISION]/To the future!

Our aim is simple, make the future better not just for us, but for our children. [...] This is why we are "all in" the Cardano project as it provides all the means of making the world a better place.

That's right! We're all in! All chips are down. Full steam ahead! We fully support the Cardano project and what is stands for as we believe that the future is free, open-source, community based where everyone can contribute in order to make the world spin for the better. This was supposed to be some kind of pun on "money makes the world spin" but in a good way! :))

[MISSION]/The present

Using the tools and information at our disposal and by creating new ones, we can slowly but surely bring about the changes in the world needed for a better and brighter future.

This is why we're integrating Cardano into our business and tryign to make is an integral part of our social entrepreneurship ideals.

You might say "we're powered by Cardano" whilst we empower Cardano by bringing it to the real world and raising awareness not just about Cardano, but about many issues that we believe in.


Focus on body and mind health. Create UBQT Sports and applied nutrition.

We're in the midst of creating a sports club focusing and teaching kids how to play sports, build self-confidence, exercise correctly and breath right! Don't underestimate the last one as we'll find out later.

To do:

- Redirect 20% of taxes on profit to "Asociatia Daruieste Viata" that is building a children's hospital from the ground up!


Create free, use and promote existing educational materials.

Partner up with non-governmental and non-profit organizations.

To do:

- Partner up with "EU CODEZ" from Piatra Neamt. I hope we can get even more kids from rural areas interested in STEM fields and somehow (I know I'm being vague, but if anyone had a solution we would all be applying it) live more harmoniously with nature in those pictures areas 🙂

Ideas needed:

- How can we get them interested in environmental issues, reasonably using available resources and flying?


Making the switch to renewable energy is always hard and especially in the beginning when you're just starting out and don't have much money, but we've done it! We're in the midst of installing solar panels and a wind turbine to power everything.

We'll also be partnering up with non-governmental organizations that help power up/bring light to isolated communities high up in the mountains by installing solar panels.

To do:

- Partner up with "NGO Free Miorita"

- In a country plagues by corruption and massive illegal deforestation (as shown by Deutch Welle, The Guardian, Recorder and other press bodies, international and domestic) it would be nice to combat and plant some trees! 😀

Support US

We know it sounds ridiculously ambitious as there are a lot of tings to be done and Cardano isn't our #1 priority. Truth is, they're all just as important to us and we'll proceed with all of them in parallel! You don't have to believe us, just check in from time to time to see the progress we've made 😀

Who knows, with your help we may just become ubiquitous!

Why delegate?

In addition to getting the rewards by staking with us and supporting the Cardano network, the fees that the [UBQT] Ubiquity pool get will be used to build all the above and make the world a little bit better through many small actions that will have a BIG impact in the future!


Ticker: UBQT
Name: Ubiquity
ID: e443a1446a4521edf4587bb663b1f824a5d87208bae9116eb69563a6

Donations are always welcomed!

Until we get everything ready (business, construction, programs and main Ubiquity site) we can accept donations in ADA/Cardano at the following address:

To do:

- I think it would be nite to track and show people what has become of their donations. Contact the donator and give direct feed-back

PS: There is another pool coming soon, [UBQT] JACO Education that will be fully dedicated to educational purposes. It's what we like to call educational charity 😀